High Profile Area at the

MMMIGS Proposal Grants

For specific application projects in funding lines such as the DFG Research Training Groups or the MSCA Doctoral Networks, MMMIGS provides personnel funds for temporary financing a postdoc position. Members of the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines are eligible to apply for a MMMIGS Proposal Grant if they have a leading role in an application project with the aim to raise funds for a structured doctoral program.


Funding may be requested for up to three month of a full-time position for a postdoctoral researcher. It is also possible to divide the times and apply for funding for half a position for six months, for example. Due to the short duration of the funded position, and because the financing is realized through a rebooking, the postdoc whose position is to be financed must already be employed by the University of Bremen.

The application must state which tasks the postdoc is to take on as part of the application, how he or she is to be integrated into the planned doctoral program and at what time and in which funding line the submission is planned. Applications for a MMMIGS Proposal Grant can be submitted at any time, but we recommend contacting the MMMIGS coordinator in advance to confirm eligibility and availability of funding. If third-party funds are successfully raised, the funded doctoral program automatically becomes a member program of MMMIGS.

Contact us

Portrait photo of Lena Wollschläger.

Dr. Lena Wollschläger
Coordinator of the Graduate School

+49 (0) 421 218 64443


The following documents are required for the application:

  • Proposal according to the application guideline, (electronically) signed by both the applicant and the postdoctoral researcher
  • Academic CV of the postdoctoral researcher whose position is to be financed

Please send the documents by email to mmmigs@uni-bremen.de.

Proposals will be reviewed by the MMMIGS coordinator and spokespersons on a rolling base. Applicants will usually be informed about the decision within two weeks after the submission is complete.

Application guideline

<Elemente in spitzen Klammern sind Erläuterungen und können entfernt werden>

Name des/der Antragsteller*in:
Institutionelle Zugehörigkeit: <falls Universität Bremen, bitte auch den Fachbereich oder das Institut angeben>
Thema des geplanten Promotionsprogramms:
Förderlinie, in der der Antrag eingereicht werden soll: <z.B. DFG Graduiertenkolleg>
Geplanter Zeitpunkt der Einreichung:
Name des/der Postdoktorand*in:
Geplanter Zeitraum der Mitarbeit: [TT.MM.JJJJ] – [TT.MM.JJJJ]
Beantragter Stellenumfang: <z.B. 0.5 VZÄ>

1 Summary

<kurze Zusammenfassung des geplanten Antragsvorhabens und der Aufgaben, die der oder die Postdoktorand*in übernehmen soll>

2 Description of the application project

<Beschreibung des geplanten Antragsvorhabens einschließlich der Förderlinie in der der Antrag eingereicht werden soll und ggf. Namen weiterer am Vorhaben beteiligter MMM-Mitglieder>

3 Description of the tasks

<Beschreibung der Aufgaben, die der oder die Postdoktorand*in während der Antragstellung und im geplanten Promotionsprogramm übernehmen soll einschließlich Begründung, wieso er oder sie dafür qualifiziert ist>

4 Schedule

<bis zur geplanten Einreichung des Antrags>

5 Bibliography

<falls erforderlich>

6 Explanation

We hereby confirm that the above information is correct. We are aware that the planned doctoral program willautomatically becomea member of theMMMIGSnetwork if third-party funding is successfully acquired .

<Datum, Unterschrift des oder der Antragsteller*in>

<Datum, Unterschrift des oder der Postdoktorand*in>