The Executive Board is the central decision-making body of MMM. It determines the strategic planning in MMM according to MMM’s mission, vision and values. The Executive Board is elected by the General Assembly and headed by the spokespersons.
Prof. Dr. Christian Freksa ( † 12.11.2020)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Fahle ( † 26.02.2020)
Prof. Benedikt Buchner (Alumnus)
Prof. Dr. Ron Kikinis (Alumnus)
Prof. Dr. Walter Lang (Alumnus)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning (Alumnus)
Prof. Carsten Lutz (Alumnus)
The MMM Office is in charge of operational and organizational issues concerning MMM. In close coordination with the spokespersons, the Office supports activities within MMM – from joint research initiatives, innovation processes, and MMM’s public relations, to initiatives for early career researchers and equal opportunities.
Patrick Pollmeier / University of Bremen
Dr. Dennis Küster
Science Manager
Phone +49 421 218-64266
© Phaneendra Saya Boina
Phaneendra Saya Boina
Innovation and Technology Transfer Manager
Phone +49 421 218-64288
Scientists employed at the University of Bremen who wish to become a member of MMM send a written application (via email) to the Spokesperson(s).