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© Lehmkühler UBRA
© Lehmkühler UBRA
Prof. Tanja Schultz

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In August 2026, together with Prof. Frank Kirchner, she will host IJCAI, the largest International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Bremen. Several thousand researchers are expected to attend this conference in Bremen.


Oct 2024 // conference-paper

Virtual Lab - A VR Showroom for Biosignals Research

Asmus Eike Eilks; Ahmed Seyit Kücük; Felix Putze; Tanja Schultz

Aug 2024 // journal-article

Human Activity Recognition, Monitoring, and Analysis Facilitated by Novel and Widespread Applications of Sensors


Hui Liu; Hugo Gamboa; Tanja Schultz

May 2024 // conference-paper

Examining the Effects of Human-Likeness of Avatars on Emotion Perception and Emotion Elicitation

Shiyao Zhang; Omar Faruk; Robert Porzel; Dennis Küster; Tanja Schultz; Hui Liu

Mar 2024 // journal-article

Taxonomy and Real-Time Classification of Artifacts During Biosignal Acquisition: A Starter Study and Dataset of ECG

IEEE Sensors Journal

Hui Liu; Shiyao Zhang; Hugo Gamboa; Tingting Xue; Congcong Zhou; Tanja Schultz

Mar 2024 // journal-article

MS2OD: outlier detection using minimum spanning tree and medoid selection

Machine Learning: Science and Technology

Jia Li; Jiangwei Li; Chenxu Wang; Fons J Verbeek; Tanja Schultz; Hui Liu

Jan 2024 // journal-article

Brain Topology Modeling With EEG-Graphs for Auditory Spatial Attention Detection

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Siqi Cai; Tanja Schultz; Haizhou Li

2024 // journal-article

NeuroHeed: Neuro-Steered Speaker Extraction Using EEG Signals

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing

Zexu Pan; Marvin Borsdorf; Siqi Cai; Tanja Schultz; Haizhou Li

2024 // journal-article

STAA-Net: A Sparse and Transferable Adversarial Attack for Speech Emotion Recognition

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Yi Chang; Zhao Ren; Zixing Zhang; Xin Jing; Kun Qian; Xi Shao; Bin Hu; Tanja Schultz; Björn W. Schuller

2024 // journal-article

Attention and Sequence Modeling for Match-Mismatch Classification of Speech Stimulus and EEG Response

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing

Marvin Borsdorf; Siqi Cai; Saurav Pahuja; Dashanka De Silva; Haizhou Li; Tanja Schultz

2024 // book-chapter

LSTM-MorA: Melody-Accompaniment Classification of MIDI Tracks

Hui Liu; Leon Flaack; Shiyao Zhang; Tanja Schultz

Dec 2023 // conference-paper

An Overview of the ICASSP Special Session on AI Security and Privacy in Speech and Audio Processing

Zhao Ren; Kun Qian; Tanja Schultz; Björn W. Schuller

Sep 2023 // journal-article

Biosignals meet Adaptive Systems

SN Applied Sciences

Tanja Schultz; Alexander Maedche

Mar 2023 // journal-article

EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in Human-Robot Interaction: A LabLinking Pilot Study

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction

Birte Richter; Felix Putze; Gabriel Ivucic; Mara Brandt; Christian Schütze; Rafael Reisenhofer; Britta Wrede; Tanja Schultz

Jan 2023 // journal-article

Artificial intelligence and ethics in healthcare - balancing act or symbiosis?

Federal Health Gazette, Health Research, Health Protection

Dennis Küster; Tanja Schultz

2023 // book-chapter

High-Level Features for Human Activity Recognition and Modeling

Yale Hartmann; Hui Liu; Tanja Schultz

2023 // journal-article

The nested hierarchy of overt, mouthed, and imagined speech activity evident in intracranial recordings


Soroush, P.Z.; Herff, C.; Ries, S.K.; Shih, J.J.; Schultz, T.; Krusienski, D.J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119913

Dec 2022 // journal-article

Sensor-Based Human Activity and Behavior Research: Where Advanced Sensing and Recognition Technologies Meet


Hui Liu; Hugo Gamboa; Tanja Schultz

Dec 2022 // journal-article

Feature-Based Information Retrieval of Multimodal Biosignals with a Self-Similarity Matrix: Focus on Automatic Segmentation


João Rodrigues; Hui Liu; Duarte Folgado; David Belo; Tanja Schultz; Hugo Gamboa

Aug 2022 // journal-article

Bell Shape Embodying Zhongyong: The Pitch Histogram of Traditional Chinese Anhemitonic Pentatonic Folk Songs

Applied Sciences

Hui Liu; Kun Jiang; Hugo Gamboa; Tingting Xue; Tanja Schultz

Jul 2022 // journal-article

STAnet: A Spatiotemporal Attention Network for Decoding Auditory Spatial Attention From EEG

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Enze Su; Siqi Cai; Longhan Xie; Haizhou Li; Tanja Schultz

May 2022 // journal-article

Multilingual speech recognition for GlobalPhone languages

Speech Communication

Martha Yifiru Tachbelie; Solomon Teferra Abate; Tanja Schultz

2022 // conference-paper

Normalization of code-switched text for speech synthesis

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH

Manghat, S.; Manghat, S.; Schultz, T.
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10719

2022 // conference-paper

Deep Learning Approaches for Detecting Alzheimer's Dementia from Conversational Speech of ILSE Study

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH

Ablimit, A.; Scholz, K.; Schultz, T.
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2022-10942

2022 // journal-article

Self-Supervised Learning of Neural Speech Representations From Unlabeled Intracranial Signals

IEEE Access

Srdjan Lesaja; Morgan Stuart; Jerry J. Shih; Pedram Z. Soroush; Tanja Schultz; Milos Manic; Dean J. Krusienski

2022 // journal-article

An Interpretable Deep Learning Model for Speech Activity Detection Using Electrocorticographic Signals

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Morgan Stuart; Srdjan Lesaja; Jerry J. Shih; Tanja Schultz; Milos Manic; Dean J. Krusienski