Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der

BBDC Event 2024

BBDC Event 2024 am 24.05.2024

The BBDC 2024 event will take place on Friday, May 24, 2024, starting at 9:00 am at Cartesium. There will be welcome speeches, award ceremonies, lectures, poster presentations and lab tours (see below). One of the highlights of the program is the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche from the Human-Centered Systems Lab (HCSL) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on the topic of „Biosignal-Adaptive Systems for Better Work & Life“.

The Bremen Big Data Challenge is organized by the Cognitive Systems Lab and is taking place for the ninth time in a row this year. The BBDC is a data analysis competition in which participants use clever algorithms to analyze given data and solve tasks. This year, the biosignal data came from HCSL and included heart rate and acceleration data from student volunteers who recorded and annotated their emotions during a job fair.

The BBDC is sponsored by „JUST ADD AI“, „neuland – Büro für Informatik“ and „Die Sparkasse Bremen“. The BBDC is supported by the scientific focus „Minds, Media, Machines“ and the „DICE“ research group (University of Paderborn). This year also saw the first Basic Track for students from Bremen, which was made possible by funding from the Bremen Stock Exchange Foundation. We are particularly pleased about this development, as we were able to make an active contribution to the promotion of young computer science talent. Further information on the BBDC can be found at: https://bbdc.csl.uni-bremen.de

The final event on May 24, 2024 will now bring together different generations of IT enthusiasts from business, research and education to encourage an exchange on AI-based data analysis. From 12 noon, we will be giving tours of the CSL’s Biosignals Lab and presenting some of our work in the form of posters and short talks.