Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der

MindTalks: From vision to navigation and back (Prof. Dr. Matteo Carandini)

Abstract Vision provides crucial guidance to navigation, and this guidance is a key function of the visual system. The communication between visual system and navigation system, however, appears to operate also in the opposite direction, with navigation strongly influencing vision. We recorded from populations of neurons in mice that navigate virtual environments and found modulation by […]

MMM General Assembly

The next general assembly of the WSP Minds, Media, Machines will take place on Monday, 22.6.2020 from 14:00-16:00. Due to Corona, we will hold the event virtually via Zoom.

MMM Seed Grants: Call for Proposals

Members of the scientific priority „Minds, Media, Machines“ can now receive uncomplicated financial support at short notice to initiate collaborative research projects of at least two WGs from MMM. The MMM Seed Grant is aimed at initiatives that aim to carry out joint research projects from MMM. Thematically, proposals should be in line with MMM’s […]