It is our pleasure to announce the start of a new round of calls for proposals for MMM PostDoc-Seed-Grants!
The present call for MMM PostDoc-Seed-Grant applications aims at promoting scientific collaborations among PostDocs working in Minds, Media, Machines in the research theme of “Living Technologies 2.0”.
There are two types of applications for this call: We aim to encourage collaborations among PostDocs from at least two MMM-AGs. However, we also recognize the potential of smaller individual projects that might lead to an interesting output based on the new ideas of a single MMM PostDoc. Therefore, this new funding line can now also be used to apply for a broad range of measures to support PostDocs in conducting excellent individual research in MMM. However, even applications for individual financial support should outline the relevance of their work with respect to our aim of establishing new collaborations. For example, such applications could describe how their successful project could help create a basis for future collaborative efforts.
Funding via MMM PostDoc-Seed-Grants is available up to the following amounts, depending on proposals targeting individual or team efforts:
- For individual PostDoc-Seed-Grants: up to 3500 EUR
- For collaborative proposals by PostDocs from at least two MMM-AGs: up to 5000 EUR per AG per grant (e.g., 10000 EUR for two PostDocs from two different AGs )
The deadline for this call of proposals round is November 15th. The application should not exceed two pages, using a font size of 10 pts, plus up to 1 page for references. Relevant submissions should be sent to:
For further information to apply, please refer to this template (editable .docx).