Behavioral Pharmacology takes advantage of the fact that most of the neurons in the central nervous system use chemical messengers (neurotransmitter molecules) to convey "information" in neuronal networks. One of the aims of this discipline is - by experimentally manipulating "key players" in neurotransmission, e.g. enzymes, transporters and receptors and quantifying behavioral changes - to understand the neurobiochemistry of these processes. Another aim is to translate the findings from the experiments that are mostly done in experimental animals to humans - thereby providing a rational basis of psychopharmacological treatment of mental disorders. The talk will mostly focus on two neuroprotective and -restorative "proof-of-principle" approaches following brain lesions.
Zoom link: https://uni-bremen.zoom.us/j/97394163228?pwd=T0hUaEk5WGN2Ty9rYmVZTzUrRG9idz09
For further information, please refer to the MindTalks website: http://www.mindtalks.uni-bremen.de/drupal/