The MMM Seed Grant Initiative is entering its third round of calls! This round introduces two separate funding lines: one for MMM PIs and one for MMM PostDocs. The current call for MMM PI Seed Grant applications aims to support scientific collaborations between established MMM members (MMM PIs) that go significantly beyond the goals of the previous two rounds. The MMM Seed Grant funding line for MMM PostDocs will be launched one month after the PI Seed Grant call.
The MMM PI Seed Grant is aimed at initiatives that want to conduct collaborative research on Minds, Media, and Machines in the thematic area of "Living Technologies 2.0". The overarching goal of collaborative proposals in this funding line should therefore be related to our ongoing efforts to advance collaborative MMM research in artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, data science, human-computer interaction, social media, and mediatization. In keeping with our mission statement, proposals should consider these research areas in the context of key issues related to MMM technologies - such as the benefits and well-being of society, taking into account aspects such as usability, privacy, security, sustainability, and legality, as well as supporting aspects of human life ranging from raising children to supporting the elderly.
MMM Seed Grants are intended for teams of at least two AGs in MMM. Applications from MMM teams across disciplines are especially encouraged, but not required. The MMM Seed Grant amount for this round of calls is up to EUR 38,000 per AG per grant. The deadline for this round of calls is October 15, 2021. Relevant submissions should be sent to:
For further information to apply, please refer to this template.