MMMIGS & mingle

MMMIGS & mingle is the name and motto of a new series of networking events for PhD members of the Minds, Media, Machines Integrated Graduate School (MMMIGS). There will be one event per month, usually in a hybrid format (both in person and online) and in English. Each event starts with a short input about a topic of interest to a broader group of PhD candidates, followed by a discussion, followed by time to mix and mingle with the group. Please find the dates and topics for all upcoming events of the series below.


Doctoral candidates are eligible to participate in the networking events if they are members of a doctoral program in the MMMIGS network or if their supervisor is a member of the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines. Please register below to facilitate our planning.


Portrait-Foto von Lena Wollschläger.

Dr. Lena Wollschläger
Graduate School Coordinator

+49 (0) 421 218 64443

Upcoming events

MMMIGS & mingle 7

MMMIGS & mingle 8

MMMIGS & mingle 9


Please fill out the following form to register for the next networking event. Information on the processing of your data according to Paragraph 13 DS-GVO is available here: data protection declaration.