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Bettina von Helversen
Bettina von Helversen
Prof. Bettina von Helversen

Further information:

AG General Psychology


  • behavioral experiments
  • cognitive modeling
  • eye tracking


Understanding the Role of Memory in Judgments and Decisions: The Influence of Exemplars, Swiss National Science Foundation

Decision-making for cognitive architectures - neuronal signatures and behavioral data Ease-H04, DFG (Manfred Herrmann, Tanja Schulz)

Sep 2024 // preprint

Disentangling Perceptual and Process-Related Sources of Behavioral Variability in Categorization

Florian Ismael Seitz; Jana Bianca Jarecki; Jörg Rieskamp; Bettina von Helversen

Dec 2023 // preprint

Skin conductance predicts earnings in a market bubble-and-crash scenario

Szymon Wichary; Monika Allenbach; Bettina von Helversen; Dániel Kaszás; Radosław Sterna; Christoph Hoelscher; Sandra Andraszewicz

Nov 2023 // journal-article

Gamified environmental multi-criteria decision analysis: information on objectives and range insensitivity bias

International Transactions in Operational Research

Alice H. Aubert; Judit Lienert; Bettina von Helversen

Oct 2023 // preprint

Eye movements as a tool to investigate exemplar retrieval in judgments

Agnes Rosner; Fabienne Roth; Bettina von Helversen

Sep 2023 // preprint

Coordinating several mental strategies favors integration: Evidence from human judgment

Janina A Hoffmann; Rebecca Albrecht; Bettina von Helversen

Sep 2023 // preprint

Towards re-unifying the theoretical perspectives on conditioning, category learning, probability learning and economic decisions from experience.

René Schlegelmilch; Andy Wills; Bettina von Helversen

Apr 2023 // journal-article

Testing three coping strategies for time pressure in categorizations and similarity judgments


Florian I. Seitz; Bettina von Helversen; Rebecca Albrecht; Jörg Rieskamp; Jana B. Jarecki

Mar 2023 // journal-article

Adaptive behavior in optimal sequential search.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Christiane Baumann; René Schlegelmilch; Bettina von Helversen

2023 // other

Similarity and Consistency in Algorithm-Guided Exploration


Bao, Y.; Danwitz, L.; Dvorak, F.; Fehrler, S.; Hornuf, L.; Lin, H.Y.; von Helversen, B.

Nov 2022 // journal-article

A cognitive category-learning model of rule abstraction, attention learning, and contextual modulation.

Psychological Review

René Schlegelmilch; Andy J. Wills; Bettina von Helversen

Jun 2022 // journal-article

No wrong decisions in an all-wrong situation. A qualitative study on the lived experiences of families of children with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

Pediatric Blood & Cancer

Jun 2022 // journal-article

When the eyes have it and when not: How multiple sources of activation combine to guide eye movements during multiattribute decision making.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Agnes Rosner; Michael Schaffner; Bettina von Helversen

May 2022 // journal-article

Ambivalence in decision making: An eye tracking study

Cognitive Psychology

Aug 2021 // journal-article

A cross-cultural study of purposive "traits of action": Measurement invariance of scales based on the action-trait theory of human motivation using exploratory structural equation modeling

Studia Psychologica

Larry C. Bernard; Jan Cieciuch; Andrew Lac; Barbara Žuro; Dino Krupić; Michael Richter; Nicolas Silvestrini; Bettina Von Helversen

Dec 2020 // journal-article

Money does not stink: Using unpleasant odors as stimulus material changes risky decision making

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Bettina von Helversen; Géraldine Coppin; Benjamin Scheibehenne

Oct 2020 // journal-article

The influence of reward magnitude on stimulus memory and stimulus generalization in categorization decisions.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

René Schlegelmilch; Bettina von Helversen

Aug 2020 // journal-article

Stress-related changes in financial risk taking: Considering joint effects of cortisol and affect


Bettina von Helversen; Jörg Rieskamp

Jun 2020 // journal-article

A linear threshold model for optimal stopping behavior

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Christiane Baumann; Henrik Singmann; Samuel J. Gershman; Bettina von Helversen

Jun 2020 // journal-article

Competitive retrieval strategy causes multimodal response distributions in multiple-cue judgments.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Rebecca Albrecht; Janina A. Hoffmann; Timothy J. Pleskac; Jörg Rieskamp; Bettina von Helversen

2020 // other

Crowd-sourcing Hypothesis Tests: Making Transparent How Design Choices Shape Research Results


Landy, J.F.; Jia, M.; Ding, I.L.; Viganola, D.; Tierney, W.; Dreber, A.; Johannesson, M.; Pfeiffer, T.; Ebersole, C.R.; Gronau, Q.F.; Ly, A.; van den Bergh, D.; Marsman, M.; Derks, K.; Wagenmakers, E.-J.; Proctor, A.; Bartels, D.M.; Bauman, C.W.; Brady, W.J.; Cheung, F.; Cimpian, A.; Dohle, S.; Donnellan, M.B.; Hahn, A.; Hall, M.P.; Jiménez-Leal, W.; Johnson, D.J.; Lucas, R.E.; Monin, B.; Montealegre, A.; Mullen, E.; Pang, J.; Ray, J.; Reinero, D.A.; Reynolds, J.; Sowden, W.; Storage, D.; Su, R.; Tworek, C.M.; van Bavel, J.J.; Walco, D.; Wills, J.; Xu, X.; Yam, K.C.; Yang, X.; Cunningham, W.A.; Schweinsberg, M.; Urwitz, M.; Uhlmann, E.L.; Adamkovič, M.; Alaei, R.; Albers, C.J.; Allard, A.; Anderson, I.A.; Andreychik, M.R.; Babinčák, P.; Baker, B.J.; Baník, G.; Baskin, E.; Bavolar, J.; Berkers, R.M.W.J.; Białek, M.; Blanke, J.; Breuer, J.; Brizi, A.; Brown, S.E.V.; Brühlmann, F.; Bruns, H.; Caldwell, L.; Campourcy, J.-F.; Chan, E.Y.; Chang, Y.-P.; Cheung, B.Y.; Chin, A.; Cho, K.W.; Columbus, S.; Conway, P.; Corretti, C.A.; Craig, A.W.; Curran, P.G.; Danvers, A.F.; Dawson, I.G.J.; Day, M.V.; Dietl, E.; Doerflinger, J.T.; Dominici, A.; Dranseika, V.; Edelsbrunner, P.A.; Edlund, J.E.; Fisher, M.; Fung, A.; Genschow, O.; Gnambs, T.; Goldberg, M.H.; Graf-Vlachy, L.; Hafenbrack, A.C.; Hafenbrädl, S.; Hartanto, A.; Heck, P.R.; Heffner, J.P.; Hilgard, J.; Holzmeister, F.; Horchak, O.V.; Huang, T.S.-T.; Hüffmeier, J.; Hughes, S.; Hussey, I.; Imhoff, R.; Jaeger, B.; Jamro, K.; Johnson, S.G.B.; Jones, A.; Keller, L.; Kombeiz, O.; Krueger, L.E.; Lantian, A.; Laplante, J.P.; Lazarevic, L.B.; Leclerc, J.; Legate, N.; Leonhardt, J.M.; Leung, D.W.; Levitan, C.A.; Lin, H.; Liu, Q.; Liuzza, M.T.; Locke, K.D.; Ly, A.L.; MacEacheron, M.; Madan, C.R.; Manley, H.; Mari, S.; Martončik, M.; McLean, S.L.; McPhetres, J.; Mercier, B.G.; Michels, C.; Mullarkey, M.C.; Musser, E.D.; Nalborczyk, L.; Nilsonne, G.; Otis, N.G.; Otner, S.M.G.; Otto, P.E.; Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.; Paruzel-Czachura, M.; Pellegrini, F.; Pereira, V.M.D.; Perfecto, H.; Pfuhl, G.; Phillips, M.H.; Plonsky, O.; Pozzi, M.; Purić, D.B.; Raymond-Barker, B.; Redman, D.E.; Reynolds, C.J.; Ropovik, I.; Röseler, L.; Ruessmann, J.K.; Ryan, W.H.; Sablaturova, N.; Schuepfer, K.J.; Schütz, A.; Sirota, M.; Stefan, M.; Stocks, E.L.; Strosser, G.L.; Suchow, J.W.; Szabelska, A.; Tey, K.S.; Tiokhin, L.; Troian, J.; Utesch, T.; Vásquez-Echeverría, A.; Vaughn, L.A.; Verschoor, M.; von Helversen, B.; Wallisch, P.; Weissgerber, S.C.; Wichman, A.L.; Woike, J.K.; Žeželj, I.; Zickfeld, J.H.; Ahn, Y.; Blaettchen, P.F.; Kang, X.; Lee, Y.J.; Parker, P.M.; Parker, P.A.; Song, J.S.; Very, M.-A.; Wong, L.
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3654406

2019 // journal-article

Memory shapes judgments: Tracing how memory biases judgments by inducing the retrieval of exemplars


Rosner, A.; von Helversen, B.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.05.004

2019 // journal-article

Testing Learning Mechanisms of Rule-Based Judgment


Hoffmann, J.A.; von Helversen, B.; Rieskamp, J.
DOI: 10.1037/dec0000109

2018 // journal-article

How social information affects information search and choice in probabilistic inferences

Acta Psychologica

Puskaric, M.; von Helversen, B.; Rieskamp, J.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2017.08.004

2018 // journal-article

Tracing the path of forgetting in rule abstraction and exemplar retrieval

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Hoffmann, J.A.; von Helversen, B.; Weilbächer, R.A.; Rieskamp, J.
DOI: 10.1177/1747021817739861

2018 // journal-article

Strategy Selection Versus Strategy Blending: A Predictive Perspective on Single- and Multi-Strategy Accounts in Multiple-Cue Estimation

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

Herzog, S.M.; von Helversen, B.
DOI: 10.1002/bdm.1958