2018 // conference-paper
Student Success Prediction and the Trade-Off between Big Data and Data Minimization
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
Heuer, H.; Breiter, A.
2018 // book
The complexity of datafication: the challenge of analyzing digital traces in their context
Andreas Breiter; Andreas Hepp; Christian Katzenbach; Christian Pentzold; Sigrid Kannengießer; Marian Adolf; Monika Taddicken
2018 // book
Digital media in in-company vocational training
Michael Härtel; Marion Brüggemann; Michael Sander; Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Franziska Kupfer
2018 // conference-paper
Track every move of your students: log files for Learning Analytics from mobile screen recordings
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
Krieter, P.; Breiter, A.
2018 // book
Digital media in in-company vocational training
Michael Härtel; Marion Brüggemann; Michael Sander; Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Franziska Kupfer
2018 // conference-paper
Trust in news on social media
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Heuer, H.; Breiter, A.
DOI: 10.1145/3240167.3240172
2018 // book
Media and IT skills as an entry requirement for vocational training - synopsis
Michael Härtel; Ines Averbeck; Marion Brüggemann; Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Michael Sander
2018 // conference-paper
Analyzing mobile application usage: Generating log files from mobile screen recordings
MobileHCI 2018 - Beyond Mobile: The Next 20 Years - 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Conference Proceedings
Krieter, P.; Breiter, A.
DOI: 10.1145/3229434.3229450
2018 // journal-article
Media and IT skills of company training staff
Vocational training in science and practice
Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Michael Härtel
2018 // journal-article
Digital traces in context: An introduction
International Journal of Communication
Hepp, A.; Breiter, A.; Friemel, T.N.
2018 // book
Media and IT skills as an entry requirement for vocational training - synopsis
Michael Härtel; Ines Averbeck; Marion Brüggemann; Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Michael Sander
Nov 2017 // other
Rethinking Transforming Communications: An Introduction
Communicative Figurations
Andreas Hepp; Andreas Breiter; Uwe Hasebrink
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65584-0_1
Nov 2017 // other
The Complexity of Datafication: Putting Digital Traces in Context
Communicative Figurations
Andreas Breiter; Andreas Hepp
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65584-0_16
Jun 2017 // lecture-speech
Education in the digital world from different perspectives
Colloquium on digitization at the LISUM
2017 // journal-article
Media pedagogical competence of company training personnel
2017 // other
Process documentation as estimate for effective IT governance
von der Heyde, Markus; Andreas, Breiter
DOI: 10.18420/in2017_173
2017 // dissertation-thesis
The Gamification Inventory : an Instrument for the Qualitative Evaluation of Gamification and its Application to Learning Management Systems
Jan Broer; Andreas Breiter; Thomas Köhler
2017 // journal-article
Media pedagogical competence of company training personnel
Vocational training in science and practice
Andreas Breiter; Falk Howe; Michael Härtel
2017 // journal-article
Cloud solutions for schools. Potential, problems and prospects
Computers + teaching
2016 // other
Datafication in Education: A Multi-Level Challenge for IT in Educational Management
Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education
Andreas Breiter
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54687-2_9
2016 // conference-paper
Computer-based testing for measuring musical competence,Computer-based testing for measuring musical competence
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)
Finken, J.; Marx, F.; Breiter, A.
2016 // lecture-speech
Education in a mediatized world - challenges for schools and society
Media literacy round table of the state of Thuringia
2016 // conference-paper
Information infrastructures as actors in education policy
Annual Conference of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)
Jan 2015 // conference-paper
Who decides? IT governance in universities,Who decides? IT governance in universities
M. Von Der Heyde; Andreas Breiter
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3595438
Jan 2015 // conference-paper
Knowledge discovery in big data: Challenges due to big data in the process of knowledge acquisition using the example of CRISP-DM,Herausforderungen durch big data im prozess der Wissensgewinnung am Beispiel des CRISP-DM
T. Göpfert; Andreas Breiter
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3595966