High Profile Area at the

Lukas Klose/University of Bremen
Lukas Klose/University of Bremen
Prof. Dirk Lorenz

Further information:


2007 // journal-article

Solving variational problems in image processing via projections - A common view on TV denoising and wavelet shrinkage

ZAMM Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Lorenz, D.A.
DOI: 10.1002/zamm.200610300

2007 // journal-article

Book Review: Ulf Grenander and Michael Miller, Pattern Theory. From representation to inference.

DOI: 10.1002/zamm.200790015

2006 // journal-article

An optimal control problem in medical image processing

IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

Bredies, K.; Lorenz, D.A.; Maass, P.
DOI: 10.1007/0-387-33882-9_23

2005 // journal-article

Mathematical concepts of multiscale smoothing

DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2005.02.007

2004 // conference-paper

A partial differential equation for continuous nonlinear shrinkage filtering and its application for analyzing MMG data

DOI: 10.1117/12.515945

// journal-article

Occupy Publishing! How will we publish in the future?

DOI: 10.1515/dmvm-2012-0010

// journal-article

Fast Image-Based Modeling of Astronomical Nebulae

// journal-article

On Conditions for Convergence to Consensus

DOI: 10.1109/tac.2010.2046086