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Manfred Herrmann_March 2021
Prof. Manfred Herrmann

Further information:

Head of Department of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurobiology

2011 // journal-article

Contextual interference processing during fast categorizations of facial expressions

Cognition & Emotion

Fruehholz, Sascha; Trautmann-Lengsfeld, Sina A.; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2010.516905

2011 // journal-article

The neural architecture of expert calendar calculation: A matter of strategy?


Fehr, Thorsten; Wallace, Gregory L.; Erhard, Peter; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2010.532135

2011 // journal-article

Circulating Damage Marker Profiles Support a Neuroprotective Effect of Erythropoietin in Ischemic Stroke Patients

Molecular Medicine

Ehrenreich, Hannelore; Kaestner, Anne; Weissenborn, Karin; Streeter, Jackson; Sperling, Swetlana; Wang, Kevin K.; Worthmann, Hans; Hayes, Ronald L.; von Ahsen, Nico; Kastrup, Andreas; Jeromin, Andreas; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.2119/molmed.2011.00259

2011 // journal-article

Spatio-temporal brain dynamics in a combined stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflict task


Fruehholz, Sascha; Godde, Ben; Finke, Mareike; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.07.071

2011 // journal-article

Human striatal activation during adjustment of the response criterion in visual word recognition


Kuchinke, Lars; Hofmann, Markus J.; Jacobs, Arthur M.; Fruehholz, Sascha; Tamm, Sascha; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.08.062

2011 // journal-article

Face Recognition Under Ambiguous Visual Stimulation: fMRI Correlates of "Encoding Styles''

Human Brain Mapping

Fruehholz, Sascha; Godde, Ben; Lewicki, Paul; Herzmann, Charlotte; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1002/hbm.21144

2011 // journal-article

Time course of implicit processing and explicit processing of emotional faces and emotional words

Biological Psychology

Fruehholz, Sascha; Jellinghaus, Anne; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.03.008

2011 // journal-article

Neuronal mechanisms underlying Garner and Flanker interference processing - Insights from neuroimaging

Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner

Berron, D.; Fruehholz, S.; Herrmann, M.

2011 // journal-article

Evolution of a theory of mind - children's spontaneous looking behavior in a false belief task

Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner

Herzmann, C.; Wexler, K. N.; Fehr, T.; Herrmann, M.

2010 // journal-article

The neural processing of voluntary completed, real and virtual violent and nonviolent computer game scenarios displaying predefined actions in gamers and nongamers

Social Neuroscience

Rainbow, Christina; Herrmann, Manfred; Fehr, Thorsten
DOI: 10.1080/17470910903315989

2010 // journal-article

Affect-related personality traits and contextual interference processing during perception of facial affect

Neuroscience Letters

Fruehholz, Sascha; Prinz, Maren; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.12.010

2010 // journal-article

Feature-directed attention to color and motion: A human fMRI study

Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner

Galashan, D.; Thuens, A.; Roese, R.; Reess, T.; Wegener, D.; Herrmann, M. H.

2010 // journal-article

Neural correlates in exceptional mental arithmetic-About the neural architecture of prodigious skills


Fehr, Thorsten; Weber, Jochen; Willmes, Klaus; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.01.007

2010 // journal-article

Neurobiological correlates of problem gambling in a quasi-realistic blackjack scenario as revealed by fMRI

Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging

Miedl, Stephan F.; Fehr, Thorsten; Meyer, Gerhard; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2009.11.008

2009 // journal-article

How the brain resolves high conflict situations: Double conflict involvement of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex


Wittfoth, Matthias; Schardt, Dina M.; Fahle, Manfred; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.09.026

2009 // journal-article

Early and late temporo-spatial effects of contextual interference during perception of facial affect

International Journal of Psychophysiology

Fruehholz, Sascha; Fehr, Thorsten; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.05.010

2009 // journal-article

Emotional Context Enhances Auditory Novelty Processing in Superior Temporal Gyrus

Cerebral Cortex

Dominguez-Borras, Judith; Trautmann, Sina-Alexa; Erhard, Peter; Fehr, Thorsten; Herrmann, Manfred; Escera, Carles
DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhn188

2009 // journal-article

Recombinant Human Erythropoietin in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke


Ehrenreich, Hannelore; Weissenborn, Karin; Prange, Hilmar; Schneider, Dietmar; Weimar, Christian; Wartenberg, Katja; Schellinger, Peter D. Bohn, Matthias; Becker, Harald; Wegrzyn, Martin; Jaehnig, Peter; Herrmann, Manfred; Knauth, Michael; Baehr, Mathias; Heide, Wolfgang; Wagner, Armin; Schwab, Stefan; Reichmann, Heinz; Schwendemann, Guenther; Dengler, Reinhard; Kastrup, Andreas; Bartels, Claudia; EPO Stroke Trial Grp
DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.109.564872

2009 // book

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology

Walter Sturm; Manfred Herrmann; Thomas F. Münte
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8274-2248-4

2009 // other

Clinical neuropsychiatry

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology

Manfred Herrmann; Stefan Lautenbacher
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8274-2248-4_7

2009 // other

Clinical neurology

Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology

Thomas F. MÜnte; Manfred Herrmann
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8274-2248-4_6

2009 // journal-article

Emotions in motion: Dynamic compared to static facial expressions of disgust and happiness reveal more widespread emotion-specific activations

Brain Research

Trautmann, Sina Alexa; Fehr, Thorsten; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.05.075

2009 // journal-article

Object recognition under ambiguous visual stimulation: fMRI correlates of encoding styles in a face recognition task

Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner

Fruehholz, S.; Godde, B.; Lewicki, P.; Giessmann, C.; Herrmann, M.

2009 // journal-article



Trautmann, Sina A.; Dominguez-Borras, Judith; Escera, Carles; Fehr, Thorsten; Herrmann, Manfred

2009 // journal-article

Interference control during recognition of facial affect enhances the processing of expression specific properties - An event-related fMRI study

Brain Research

Fruehholz, Sascha; Fehr, Thorsten; Herrmann, Manfred
DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.03.017