Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der

Prof. Daniel Leidner

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Oct 2018 // journal-article

Preliminary Insights From the METERON SUPVIS Justin Space-Robotics Experiment

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Peter Schmaus; Daniel Leidner; Thomas Kruger; Andre Schiele; Benedikt Pleintinger; Ralph Bayer; Neal Y. Lii

Apr 2018 // journal-article

Design, Execution, and Postmortem Analysis of Prolonged Autonomous Robot Operations

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Sebastian G. Brunner; Peter Lehner; Martin J. Schuster; Sebastian Riedel; Rico Belder; Daniel Leidner; Armin Wedler; Michael Beetz; Freek Stulp

2018 // conference-paper

The robot as an avatar or co-worker? An investigation of the different teleoperation modalities through the Kontur-2 and Meteron supvis justin space telerobotic missions

Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC

Lii, N.Y.; Riecke, C.; Leidner, D.; Schätzle, S.; Schmaus, P.; Weber, B.; Krueger, T.; Stelzer, M.; Wedler, A.; Grunwald, G.

2018 // conference-paper

Inferring Semantic State Transitions During Telerobotic Manipulation

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Bauer, Adrian S.; Schmaus, Peter; Albu-Schaeffer, Alin; Leidner, Daniel

2018 // conference-paper

Inferring Semantic State Transitions During Telerobotic Manipulation

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Bauer, A.S.; Schmaus, P.; Albu-Schäffer, A.; Leidner, D.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2018.8594458

2017 // conference-paper

EDAN - EMG-controlled daily assistant

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Hagengruber, A.; Leidner, D.; Vogel, J.
DOI: 10.1145/3029798.3036648

2016 // conference-paper

Inferring the Effects of Wiping Motions based on Haptic Perception

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Leidner, Daniel; Beetz, Michael

2016 // conference-paper

Robotic Agents Representing, Reasoning, and Executing Wiping Tasks for Daily Household Chores

International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

Leidner, Daniel; Bejjani, Wissam; Albu-Schaeffer, Alin; Beetz, Michael

2016 // conference-paper

Inferring the effects of wiping motions based on haptic perception

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Leidner, D.; Beetz, M.
DOI: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2016.7803316

2016 // conference-paper

Robotic agents representing, reasoning, and executing wiping tasks for daily household chores

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS

Leidner, D.; Bejjani, W.; Albu-Schäffer, A.; Beetz, M.

2016 // journal-article

Knowledge-enabled parameterization of whole-body control strategies for compliant service robots

Autonomous Robots

Leidner, D.; Dietrich, A.; Beetz, M.; Albu-Schäffer, A.
DOI: 10.1007/s10514-015-9523-3

2015 // conference-paper

Classifying compliant manipulation tasks for automated planning in robotics

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Leidner, D.; Borst, C.; Dietrich, A.; Beetz, M.; Albu-Schaffer, A.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2015.7353607

2015 // conference-paper


Mechanical Engineering

Ott, Christian; Dietrich, Alexander; Leidner, Daniel; Werner, Alexander; Englsberger, Johannes; Henze, Bernd; Wolf, Sebastian; Chalon, Maxime; Faieol, Werner; Beyer, Alexander; Eiberger, Oliver; Albu-Schaeffer, Alin

2015 // conference-paper

A knowledge-driven shared autonomy human-robot interface for tablet computers

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Birkenkampf, P.; Leidner, D.; Borst, C.
DOI: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2014.7041352

2015 // conference-paper

Command Robots from Orbit with Supervised Autonomy: An Introduction to the Meteron Supvis-Justin Experiment

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Lii, N.Y.; Leidner, D.; Schiele, A.; Birkenkampf, P.; Pleintinger, B.; Bayer, R.
DOI: 10.1145/2701973.2702022

2015 // other

FROM TORQUE-CONTROLLED to intrinsically compliant humanoid robots

Mechanical Engineering

Ott, C.; Dietrich, A.; Leidner, D.; Werner, A.; Englsberger, J.; Henze, B.; Wolf, S.; Chalon, M.; Friedl, W.; Beyer, A.; Eiberger, O.; Albu-Schäffer, A.

2014 // conference-paper

Object-centered hybrid reasoning for whole-body mobile manipulation

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Leidner, D.; Dietrich, A.; Schmidt, F.; Borst, C.; Albu-Schäffer, A.
DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907099

2014 // conference-paper

Object-Centered Hybrid Reasoning for Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Leidner, Daniel; Dietrich, Alexander; Schmidt, Florian; Borst, Christoph; Albu-Schaeffer, Alin

2014 // conference-paper

A Knowledge-Driven Shared Autonomy Human- Robot Interface for Tablet Computers

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Birkenkampf, Peter; Leidner, Daniel; Borst, Christoph

2012 // conference-paper

Power grasp planning for anthropomorphic robot hands

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Roa, M.A.; Argus, M.J.; Leidner, D.; Borst, C.; Hirzinger, G.
DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6225068

2012 // conference-paper

Things are made for what they are: Solving manipulation tasks by using functional object classes

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Leidner, D.; Borst, C.; Hirzinger, G.
DOI: 10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2012.6651555

2012 // conference-paper

Power Grasp Planning for Anthropomorphic Robot Hands

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Roa, Maximo A.; Argus, Max J.; Leidner, Daniel; Borst, Christoph; Hirzinger, Gerd

2012 // conference-paper

Things Are Made for What They Are: Solving Manipulation Tasks by Using Functional Object Classes

IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots

Leidner, Daniel; Borst, Christoph; Hirzinger, Gerd

2012 // book

Observation and execution

Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics

Borst, C.; Zacharias, F.; Schmidt, F.; Leidner, D.; Roa, M.A.; Hertkorn, K.; Grunwald, G.; Falco, P.; Natale, C.; Maggio, E.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29041-1_2

2010 // conference-paper

Exploiting structure in two-armed manipulation tasks for humanoid robots

IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2010 - Conference Proceedings

Zacharias, F.; Leidner, D.; Schmidt, F.; Borst, C.; Hirzinger, G.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2010.5651121