Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der

© Frauenhofer MEVIS
© Frauenhofer MEVIS
Prof. Horst Hahn

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Leiter des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Digitale Medizin MEVIS. Sprecher des Leitprojekts „KI“ der U Bremen Research Alliance.


2019 // journal-article

Auditory Display for Telerobotic Transnasal Surgery Using a Continuum Robot

Journal of Medical Robotics Research

Black, D.; Lilge, S.; Fellmann, C.; Reinschluessel, A.V.; Kreuer, L.; Nabavi, A.; Hahn, H.K.; Kikinis, R.; Burgner-Kahrs, J.
DOI: 10.1142/S2424905X19500041

2019 // journal-article

Uncertainty-aware visual analysis of radiofrequency ablation simulations

Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)

Ristovski, G.; Garbers, N.; Hahn, H.K.; Preusser, T.; Linsen, L.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2018.12.005

2019 // journal-article

Evaluation of deep learning methods for parotid gland segmentation from CT images

Journal of Medical Imaging

Hänsch, A.; Schwier, M.; Gass, T.; Morgas, T.; Haas, B.; DIcken, V.; Meine, H.; Klein, J.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.6.1.011005

2019 // journal-article

Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging

Insights into Imaging

Aime, S.; Alberich, A.; Almen, A.; Arthurs, O.; Barthel, H.; Clément, O.; Crean, M.; de Souza, N.; Demuth, F.; Dewey, M.; Dousset, V.; Frangi, A.; Garos, C.; Golay, X.; Gordebeke, P.; Günther, M.; Hahn, H.; Hierath, M.; Hoeschen, C.; Hunink, M.; Kauczor, H.-U.; Krestin, G.; Krischak, K.; Langs, G.; Liu, Y.; Marti-Bonmati, L.; Matos, C.; Mayerhofer-Sebera, U.; McNulty, J.; Muylle, K.; Neeman, M.; Niessen, W.; Nikolaou, K.; Pereira, P.; Persson, A.; Pifferi, A.; Riklund, K.; Rockall, A.; Rosendahl, K.; Sardanelli, F.; Sourbron, S.; Speck, O.; Valentini, V.; Zolda, P.
DOI: 10.1186/s13244-019-0684-z

2019 // conference-paper

Artifact-driven sampling schemes for robust female pelvis CBCT segmentation using deep learning

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Hänsch, A.; Dicken, V.; Klein, J.; Morgas, T.; Haas, B.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2512727

2019 // journal-article

Automated density-based counting of FISH amplification signals for HER2 status assessment

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Höfener, H.; Homeyer, A.; Förster, M.; Drieschner, N.; Schildhaus, H.-U.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.03.006

2019 // conference-paper

Data Pooling and Sampling of Heterogeneous Image Data for White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Hänsch, A.; Cheng, B.; Frey, B.; Mayer, C.; Petersen, M.; Lettow, I.; Shenas, F.Y.; Thomalla, G.; Klein, J.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32695-1_10

2019 // journal-article

Uncertainty-aware asynchronous scattered motion interpolation using Gaussian process regression

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

Kocev, B.; Hahn, H.K.; Linsen, L.; Wells, W.M.; Kikinis, R.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.12.001

2019 // journal-article

Reducing inter-observer variability and interaction time of MR liver volumetry by combining automatic CNN-based liver segmentation and manual corrections


Chlebus, G.; Meine, H.; Thoduka, S.; Abolmaali, N.; Van Ginneken, B.; Hahn, H.K.; Schenk, A.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217228

2018 // journal-article

Automatic liver tumor segmentation in CT with fully convolutional neural networks and object-based postprocessing

Scientific Reports

Chlebus, G.; Schenk, A.; Moltz, J.H.; van Ginneken, B.; Hahn, H.K.; Meine, H.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33860-7

2018 // journal-article

Erratum to: Combining rules using local statistics and uncertainty estimates for improved ensemble segmentation (Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, (2017), 27, 3, (444-457), 10.1134/S105466181703004X)

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Al-Taie, A.; Hahn, H.K.; Linsen, L.
DOI: 10.1134/S1054661818060019

2018 // conference-paper

Comparison of different deep learning approaches for parotid gland segmentation from CT images

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Hänsch, A.; Schwier, M.; Gass, T.; Morgas, T.; Haas, B.; Klein, J.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2292962

2018 // journal-article

Deep learning nuclei detection: A simple approach can deliver state-of-the-art results

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

Höfener, H.; Homeyer, A.; Weiss, N.; Molin, J.; Lundström, C.F.; Hahn, H.K.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.08.010

2018 // journal-article

Auditory display for fluorescence-guided open brain tumor surgery

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

Black, D.; Hahn, H.K.; Kikinis, R.; Wårdell, K.; Haj-Hosseini, N.
DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1667-5

2018 // journal-article

Auditory display as feedback for a novel eye-tracking system for sterile operating room interaction

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

Black, D.; Unger, M.; Fischer, N.; Kikinis, R.; Hahn, H.; Neumuth, T.; Glaser, B.
DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1677-3

2018 // journal-article

Different patterns of longitudinal brain and spinal cord changes and their associations with disability progression in NMO and MS

European Radiology

Liu, Y.; Duan, Y.; Huang, J.; Ren, Z.; Liu, Z.; Dong, H.; Weiler, F.; Hahn, H.K.; Shi, F.-D.; Butzkueven, H.; Barkhof, F.; Li, K.
DOI: 10.1007/s00330-017-4921-x

2018 // journal-article

Data-driven discovery of immune contexture biomarkers

Frontiers in Oncology

Schwen, L.O.; Andersson, E.; Korski, K.; Weiss, N.; Haase, S.; Gaire, F.; Hahn, H.K.; Homeyer, A.; Grimm, O.
DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00627

2017 // conference-paper

Real-time myocardium segmentation for the assessment of cardiac function variation

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Zoehrer, F.; Huellebrand, M.; Chitiboi, T.; Oechtering, T.; Sieren, M.; Frahm, J.; Hahn, H.K.; Hennemuth, A.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2254373

2017 // journal-article

Training nuclei detection algorithms with simple annotations

Journal of Pathology Informatics

Kost, H.; Homeyer, A.; Molin, J.; Lundström, C.; Hahn, H.
DOI: 10.4103/jpi.jpi_3_17

2017 // journal-article

Auditory feedback to support image-guided medical needle placement

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

Black, D.; Hettig, J.; Luz, M.; Hansen, C.; Kikinis, R.; Hahn, H.
DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1537-1

2017 // journal-article

Semi-automated delineation of breast cancer tumors and subsequent materialization using three-dimensional printing (rapid prototyping)

Journal of Surgical Oncology

Schulz-Wendtland, R.; Harz, M.; Meier-Meitinger, M.; Brehm, B.; Wacker, T.; Hahn, H.K.; Wagner, F.; Wittenberg, T.; Beckmann, M.W.; Uder, M.; Fasching, P.A.; Emons, J.
DOI: 10.1002/jso.24510

2017 // journal-article

Uncertainty visualization for interactive assessment of stenotic regions in vascular structures

Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)

Ristovski, G.; Matute, J.; Wehrum, T.; Harloff, A.; Hahn, H.K.; Linsen, L.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.10.002

2017 // journal-article

A Survey of auditory display in image-guided interventions

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

Black, D.; Hansen, C.; Nabavi, A.; Kikinis, R.; Hahn, H.
DOI: 10.1007/s11548-017-1547-z

2017 // journal-article

Automated quantification of steatosis: Agreement with stereological point counting

Diagnostic Pathology

Homeyer, A.; Nasr, P.; Engel, C.; Kechagias, S.; Lundberg, P.; Ekstedt, M.; Kost, H.; Weiss, N.; Palmer, T.; Hahn, H.K.; Treanor, D.; Lundström, C.
DOI: 10.1186/s13000-017-0671-y

2017 // journal-article

Combining rules using local statistics and uncertainty estimates for improved ensemble segmentation

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Al-Taie, A.; Hahn, H.K.; Linsen, L.
DOI: 10.1134/S105466181703004X