Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der

ComAI Lecture: “Science Communication and Artificial Intelligence: How AI is Changing Public Communication about Science”

Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer (University of Zürich) Abstract Generative AI – producing novel outputs based on extensive digital data and human training – is changing public communication profoundly. Citizens and communication professionals use it to communicate about political and economic topics, healthcare, technology and other issues, with potentially far-reaching implications. Scholars and pundits have […]

Neurodynamics during quasi-realistic social decision making – Evidence from fMRI-informed multi-channel EEG analyses

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Fehr There is a variety of well-thought-out models explaining important aspects of complex social decision behaviour in humans. These models address biophysiological, genetical, contextual, socialisatory, internal trait and state conditions, and other potential modulators of social development, current status, and behavioural predictors. There is also some neuroscientific evidence that substantiate several model […]

Mind Talk: Flexible behavior through adaptive brain network dynamics

Prof. Dr. Tobias H. Donner Cognitive behavior rapidly adapts to changing environmental contexts. This flexibility distinguishes cognitive behavior from reflexes. I propose that this flexibility results from the rapid reconfiguration of distributed cortical networks that implement the transformations required by a given task and context. This reconfiguration is enabled by rapid plasticity mechanisms that are […]

ComAI Lecture: “Credibility of communicative AI”

Prof. Dr. Sonja Utz (Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien IWM & University of Tübingen) Abstract Language-based agents such as chatbots, voice assistants, and more recently, large language models, have become common tools for information retrieval. Assessing the quality of the information provided by these agents is crucial. This talk presents insights from several studies examining how the […]

ComAI Lecture: “AI, education, and power”

Prof. Dr. Jeremy Knox (University of Oxford & The University of Edinburgh) Abstract In a similar way to previous education technologies, recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are typically discussed in terms of their ability to enhance learning or make the educational process more efficient. While this dominant discourse is sometimes countered with concerns about […]

ComAI Lecture: „The AI Effect: How (generative) AI is reshaping discussions about elections and democracy“

Prof. Dr. Claes de Vreese (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Abstract Democracies are based on exchange, debate and discussion about goals, approaches and solutions. What tasks need to be solved, what does the sovereign want? In parliamentary democracies, this decision-making takes place within the framework of elections. In mediatized societies in particular, the media and intermediaries have […]

Mind Talk: Apollos Gabe: Neurobiologische und Neuropsychologische Grundlagen des Musizierens

Prof. em. Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller Singen und Instrumentalmusik spielen seit Jahrzehntausenden in allen Kulturen eine wichtige Rolle: Mit Musik werden mächtige Emotionen erzeugt, soziale Bindungen vertieft und organisiert und sogar therapeutische Ziele erreicht. Musik vereinigt magische Elemente, uralte kollektive Erfahrungen und höchst lebendige Eigenschaften voll neuer Klänge. Unsere Emotionen beim Hören von Musik hängen […]

Bremen’s Nacht der Biosignale – Where Science Meets Innovation!

This November 15th, Bremen along with 11 other cities takes part in the Nacht der Biosignale – a unique event bringing together cutting-edge technology, healthcare, and biosignal research. Dive into the latest advancements in biosignals and explore the endless possibilities of AI, data science, and bioengineering applied to real-world health challenges. 👩‍🔬💡 What can you […]

3rd „Bremen Symposium AI in Health“

The Bremen Symposium AI in Health brings together people from science, politics, business, and practice, along with interested private individuals, offering a great opportunity for active exchange. There will also be plenty of time for networking and discussions between the talks and sessions of the program. The event will take place at the Bremische Bürgerschaft […]