Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt der


© Harald Rehling / Universität Bremen

The Workshop We’re excited to host a three-day workshop focused on the fascinating and rapidly growing field of combinatorial reconfiguration. Organized by our members Nicole Megow ,Daniel Schmand and Sebastian Siebertz this event is set to bring together leading researchers

An International Lecture Series on Communicative AI, hosted by ZeMKI

This November 15th, Bremen along with 11 other cities takes part in the Nacht der Biosignale – a unique event bringing together cutting-edge technology, healthcare, and biosignal research. Dive into the latest advancements in biosignals and explore the endless possibilities

The Bremen Symposium AI in Health brings together people from science, politics, business, and practice, along with interested private individuals, offering a great opportunity for active exchange. There will also be plenty of time for networking and discussions between the


The Institute of Advanced Study Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) supports excellent early-career researchers within their postdoc programm. From July 2024 to June 2027, Dr. Felix Hommelsheim is an Associate Junior Fellow at HWK. He is a member of the working group of

© Felix Clebowski / Universität Bremen

Der Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik bietet eine 4-jährige Postdoc-Stelle an mit Tenure Track zu einer unbefristeten Senior Researcher Stelle. Gesucht wird ein:e Wissenschaftler:in in einer frühen Karrierephase aus dem Gebiet der Informatik mit einem Schwerpunkt auf methodischen und informatischen Grundlagen

© Nicole Megow

The members of the newly elected DFG Review Board 4.43 Computer Science have chosen Professor Dr. Nicole Megow, Chair of the Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics Group at the University of Bremen, as their spokesperson. In the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Die U Bremen Research Alliance lädt Sie herzlich ein, an der Abendveranstaltung am Tag der Forschungsdaten teilzunehmen! Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher Sprache statt und die Plätze sind begrenzt. Sichern Sie sich Ihren Platz, indem Sie sich vor dem 7.

Event by TOPAS Industriemathematik Event link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/bremen-autonomous-systems-meetup/events/300634921/ About Join our very first meetup (hopefully the first of many)! A gathering designed for everyone who is interested or involved in autonomous systems and robotics in Bremen. Whether you’re a seasoned expert

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