High Profile Area at the

Patrick Pollmeier / University of Bremen
Patrick Pollmeier / University of Bremen
Prof. Rainer Malaka

Further information:

Digital Media group; TZI

Aug 2024 // journal-article

Gaming with Etiquette: Exploring Courtesy as a Game Mechanic in Speech-Based Games

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Nima Zargham; Leon Tristan Dratzidis; Dmitry Alexandrovsky; Maximilian A. Friehs; Rainer Malaka

Jul 2024 // conference-paper

HASI: A Model for Human-Agent Speech Interaction

Nima Zargham; Vino Avanesi; Thomas Mildner; Kamyar Javanmardi; Robert Porzel; Rainer Malaka

May 2024 // conference-paper

Space Out Gaming: Comparing Distributed Practice Sessions with Massed Play

Ioannis Bikas; Johannes Pfau; Thomas Muender; Rainer Malaka

May 2024 // conference-paper

"I Know What You Mean": Context-Aware Recognition to Enhance Speech-Based Games

Nima Zargham; Mohamed Lamine Fetni; Laura Spillner; Thomas Muender; Rainer Malaka

Apr 2024 // journal-article

Let's Talk Games: An Expert Exploration of Speech Interaction with NPCs

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Nima Zargham; Maximilian A. Friehs; Leandro Tonini; Dmitry Alexandrovsky; Emma Grace Ruthven; Lennart E. Nacke; Rainer Malaka

Dec 2023 // conference-paper

"\"Let's Face It\": Investigating User Preferences for Virtual Humanoid Home Assistants"

Nima Zargham; Dmitry Alexandrovsky; Thomas Mildner; Robert Porzel; Rainer Malaka

Dec 2023 // conference-paper

Tickling Proactivity: Exploring the Use of Humor in Proactive Voice Assistants

Nima Zargham; Leon Reicherts; Vino Avanesi; Yvonne Rogers; Rainer Malaka

Oct 2023 // conference-paper

Grinding to a Halt: The Effects of Long Play Sessions on Player Performance in Video Games

Ioannis Bikas; Johannes Pfau; Thomas Muender; Dmitry Alexandrovsky; Rainer Malaka

Jul 2023 // conference-paper

"Funny How?" A Serious Look at Humor in Conversational Agents

Nima Zargham; Vino Avanesi; Leon Reicherts; Ava Elizabeth Scott; Yvonne Rogers; Rainer Malaka

Jul 2023 // conference-paper

From C-3PO to HAL: Opening The Discourse About The Dark Side of Multi-Modal Social Agents

Vino Avanesi; Johanna Rockstroh; Thomas Mildner; Nima Zargham; Leon Reicherts; Maximilian A. Friehs; Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos; Nina Wenig; Rainer Malaka

Jul 2023 // conference-paper

Defending Against the Dark Arts: Recognizing Dark Patterns in Social Media

Thomas Mildner; Merle Freye; Gian-Luca Savino; Philip R. Doyle; Benjamin R. Cowan; Rainer Malaka

Jul 2023 // journal-article

ChatGPT, LaMDA, and the Hype Around Communicative AI: The Automation of Communication as a Field of Research in Media and Communication Studies

Human-Machine Communication

Andreas Hepp; Wiebke Loosen; Stephan Dreyer; Juliane Jarke; Sigrid Kannengießer; Christian Katzenbach; Rainer Malaka; Michaela Pfadenhauer Pfadenhauer; Cornelius Puschmann; Wolfgang Schulz

Apr 2023 // conference-paper

About Engaging and Governing Strategies: A Thematic Analysis of Dark Patterns in Social Networking Services

Thomas Mildner; Gian-Luca Savino; Philip R. Doyle; Benjamin R. Cowan; Rainer Malaka

Apr 2023 // conference-paper

Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR - Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice

Anke Verena Reinschluessel; Thomas Muender; Roland Fischer; Valentin Kraft; Verena Nicole Uslar; Dirk Weyhe; Andrea Schenk; Gabriel Zachmann; Tanja Döring; Rainer Malaka

2023 // journal-article

Seeing the faces is so important-Experiences from online team meetings on commercial virtual reality platforms

Frontiers in Virtual Reality

Bonfert, Michael; Reinschluessel, Anke V.; Putze, Susanne; Lai, Yenchin; Alexandrovsky, Dmitry; Malaka, Rainer; Doering, Tanja

2023 // journal-article

Dungeons & Replicants II: Automated Game Balancing Across Multiple Difficulty Dimensions via Deep Player Behavior Modeling

IEEE Transactions on Games

Pfau, Johannes; Liapis, Antonios; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; Malaka, Rainer

2023 // book-chapter

Physiological Data Placement Recommendations for VR Sport Applications

Dirk Queck; Iannis Albert; Georg Volkmar; Rainer Malaka; Marc Herrlich

Nov 2022 // journal-article

From human-machine interaction to communicative AI


Andreas Hepp; Wiebke Loosen; Stephan Dreyer; Juliane Jarke; Sigrid Kannengießer; Christian Katzenbach; Rainer Malaka; Michaela Pfadenhauer; Cornelius Puschmann; Wolfgang Schulz

2022 // journal-article

Usage behavior and functional requirements of digital training applications during the pandemic


Pfau, Freya; Pfau, Johannes; Danekas, Bastian; Porzel, Robert; Malaka, Rainer; Kruger, Melanie

2022 // journal-article

Deep understanding of everyday activity commands for household robots

Semantic Web Journal

Hoeffner, Sebastian; Porzel, Robert; Hedblom, Maria M.; Pomarlan, Mihai; Cangalovic, Vanja Sophie; Pfau, Johannes; Bateman, John A.; Malaka, Rainer

2022 // journal-article

Towards Transforming Game Premise: Validating an Approach for Developing Cooperative Serious Games

International Journal of Serious Games

Grudpan, Supara; Samarnggoon, Keattikorn; Hauge, Jakob; Hauge, Jannicke Baalsrud; Malaka, Rainer

2022 // journal-article

Virtual Reality for Surgical Planning - Evaluation Based on Two Liver Tumor Resections

Frontiers in Surgery

Reinschluessel, Anke V.; Muender, Thomas; Salzmann, Daniela; Doering, Tanja; Malaka, Rainer; Weyhe, Dirk

2022 // book-chapter

Mental Wear and Tear: An Exploratory Study on Mental Fatigue in Video Games Using the Example of League of Legends

Ioannis Bikas; Johannes Pfau; Bastian Dänekas; Rainer Malaka

2022 // conference-paper

Kicking in Virtual Reality: The Influence of Foot Visibility on the Shooting Experience and Accuracy

IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)

Bonfert, Michael; Lemke, Stella; Porzel, Robert; Malaka, Rainer

2022 // journal-article

"I Didn't Catch That, But I'll Try My Best": Anticipatory Error Handling in a Voice Controlled Game

Proceedings of the Chi Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Chi

Zargham, Nima; Pfau, Johannes; Schnackenberg, Tobias; Malaka, Rainer