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MMM Seed Grants: Successful applications in the first round

The applications for the first round of the MMM Seed Grant call were reviewed and decided by the Steering Committee. Two outstanding projects from a total of 5 MMM working groups were selected.

We are delighted to present the successful applications and congratulate the winners!

Our heartfelt congratulations go to:

Prof. Dr. Bettina von Helversen and Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka with their proposal: "Effects of Control and Directness on Decision-Making in VR"


Dr Felix Putze, Andrei Haidu and Susanne Stiefler with their proposal: "Formalization and VR-based Simulation of Age-related Obstacles".
The team of Putze, Haidu and Stiefler will investigate age-related obstacles in everyday activities, while Prof. von Helversen and Prof. Malaka are initiating a new MMM collaboration in the field of decision-making. Both projects are focusing in particular on virtual reality to investigate their questions. We were unanimously impressed by the quality and fit of both projects with the goals of MMM and are looking forward to the first results of these new collaborations!