Weitere Informationen:
Institute for Psychology, Department of Developmental Psychology with Educational Psychology
Selected Funding and Awards:
May 2022: Kingston Open Research Initiative Award
July 2021: Grant by the Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. to conduct and eye-tracking study on attention in premature infants in social situations
July 2021: Innovation Fond Teaching to implement Virtual Reality in digital teaching
July 2021: Grant from the Emerging Talents Initiative for a research project on “Development of neural and behavioural mechanisms of attention in social interactions”, investigating differences between digital and face-to-face interactions
February 2021: CResCID Grant on the topic : “Individual differences affecting dynamic emotion authenticity perception” in collaboration with Dr Mircea Zloteanu and Dr Fatima Maria Felisberti (Kingston University London)
May 2020: DFG grant for the project „Overt and covert attention to emotional faces in realistic social situations“
July 2019: Grant from the Diligentia Foundation in cooperation with PD Dr Alexia Gaudeul and Dr Katharina Gangl on „The effect of ethical feedback on moral behaviour among economic actors“
July 2018: Selected as one of the winners of the „Preregistration Challenge“ of the Open Science Framework
November 2017: Leibniz Science Campus Seed Fund (in cooperation with Dr Pooresmaeili and Prof Schacht) on the topic “The impacts of emotional content, reward and effort on overt shifts of visual attention”
November 2016: Leibniz Science Campus Seed Fund (in cooperation with Dr Christian Valuch) on “Developing perceptual expectations: An experimental test of predictive coding theory”
May 2014: Cecily De Monchaux Research Price 2014/2015
Jan. – Oct. 2014: DAAD (German Academix Exchange Service) PhD stipend
April 2013: Cecily De Monchaux Research Price 2012/2013
Overt and covert attention to emotional faces in realistic social situations, DFG
Development of neural and behavioural mechanisms of attention in social interactions
Emerging Talents Initiative Individual differences affecting dynamic emotion authenticity perception (Centre for Research in Communities, Identities and Difference (CResCID) Dr Mircea Zloteanu and Dr Fatima Maria Felisberti)
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Open Science Framework
Open Science Framework
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Open Science Framework
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