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Prof. Karsten D. Wolf

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2013 // conference-paper

Refining by Drawing for Initiating Inquiry with Storyboards in Science Class

ICERI2013 Proceedings


2013 // conference-paper

Usability testing with female functional illiterates,Usability testing with functional illiterates

Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)

Koppel, I.; Küster, J.; Wolf, K.D.

2012 // journal-article

Cybergrooming: Risk factors, coping strategies and associations with cyberbullying



2012 // conference-paper


Proceedings of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference 2012: "Envisioning Future Media Environments", MindTrek 2012

Lugmayr, A.; Franssila, H.; Wolf, K.; Strohmeier, D.; Mustaquim, M.; Kärkkäinen, H.; Paavilainen, J.; Grüblbauer, J.; Fu, Y.; Chambel, T.

2012 // book-chapter

The instructional design and motivational mechanisms of World of Warcraft

Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Games Studies

Wolf, K.D.
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2777-9_35

2012 // journal-article

Cybergrooming: Risk factors, coping strategies and associations with cyberbullying,Cybergrooming: Factores de riesgo, estrategias de afrontamiento y asociación con cyberbullying


Wachs, S.; Wolf, K.D.; Pan, C.-C.

2012 // book-chapter

Akzeptanz und Nutzungsintensität von Blogs als Lernmedium in Onlinekursen [Acceptance and Usage of Blogs in Online Courses]

Digital Media. Werkzeuge für exzellente Forschung und Lehre [Digital Media. Tools for Excellent Research and Teaching].


2012 // book-chapter

Learning with shared videos: current findings on the use, production and publication of online videos by young people

Media, Knowledge and Education: Cultures and Ethics of Sharing / Medien - Wissen - Bildung: Kulturen und Ethiken des Teilens


2012 // book-chapter

The Instructional Design and Motivational Mechanisms of World of Warcraft

Computer Games and New Media Cultures. A Handbook of Digital Games Studies


Sep 2011 // journal-article

Media education as a process of shaping ourselves between formal media education and informal media appropriation

MedienPädagogik: Journal for the theory and practice of media education

Karsten D. Wolf; Klaus Rummler; Wibke Duwe

May 2011 // journal-article

Mobile learning with videos in online communities: The example of draufhaber.tv

MedienPädagogik: Journal for the theory and practice of media education

Karsten D. Wolf; Klaus Rummler

2011 // book-chapter

Meta-reflection on the Self and EduCamp projects

Open educational initiatives


2011 // book

Literacy development of the workforce


2011 // book-chapter

Media education as a process of shaping ourselves between formal media education and informal media appropriation

Media education and media literacy: contributions to key concepts in media education


2011 // journal-article

Connections between cyberbullying and bullying - initial results from a self-report study

Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry


2011 // book-chapter

Potential of rich e-assessment for the support diagnostics of functional illiterates

Literacy development of the workforce


2011 // book-chapter

Mobile Learning with Videos in Online Communities: The example of draufhaber.tv

Mobile Learning in Widening Contexts: Concepts and Cases


2011 // conference-paper

Hypervideo for Random Access Instruction

Proceedings of 1st workshop m - future interactive media


2011 // journal-article

Correlates of cyberbullying and bullying - first results of a self-report study,Correlates of cyberbullying and bullying - first results of a self-report study

Practice of child psychology and child psychiatry

Wachs, S.; Wolf, K.D.

2010 // journal-article

E-assessment: new contributions to examination quality?

magazine for e-learning


2010 // book-chapter

Self-directed learning

Handbook of vocational and business education


2010 // book-chapter

Heterogeneous experiential processes in commercial teaching - result of individual dispositions and predictor of success measures?

Teaching-learning research in commercial vocational training - results and design tasks


2010 // journal-article

Paper prototyping as part of the development of instruments for the support diagnostics of functional illiterates

The pedagogical view


2009 // book-chapter

Gender and new media literacy: access or barriers in e-learning?

Sex and Gender. Interdisciplinary contributions to a social construction


2009 // book-chapter

Learning and teaching

Education management textbook